cute background

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Birthday

I turned 24 today... After work I came home and my wonderful husband cooked dinner and had a bunch of gifts for me with flowers and a balloon... He is sooo sweet... I am the luckiest woman in the world!!!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My cute Bathroom!!!

My cute home!!!

Since we just moved to Georgia a few months ago we got a new apartment that is so cute and I love decorating it... I wanted to share some of our pictures with you... My favorite room is my Bedroom because my creative husband thought of the cutest idea for our headboard and it is so beautiful!!!

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's day to all you out there....
This is the first Mother's day that I have not spent with my mom but I got to talk to her for a while on the phone which is great!
We had a guest singer come to our church today and he was such a blessing to us all...
He sang such an amazing song some of the words were...
"I want my life to count for Jesus, the things of the world will quickly fade...."
I wish I could remember more words but this song really touched my heart... I want so bad for my life to count for Jesus. I can be so selfish and I owe every ounce of my life to Jesus and to live a life that glorify's God! I am so happy that I know Jesus as my personal saviour... My life does count for Jesus and he loves me unconditionally!!! I hope that if you get a chance this week to think about what you do everyday and you attitude and actions, let everything that you do count for Jesus and give him the glory and praise!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Wedding pictures

My husband and I got married on September 19th 2009 and I have been working on a scrapbook of my wedding forever but I kept pushing it off... I have finally got several pages done and I am so happy that I have been making more time to do my scrapbooking... I recently moved to Georgia from Missouri...We moved to Georgia because my husband became a youth minister... My family still lives in Missouri so this is a great way to share how my husband and I are doing here... I only work three days a week so I have had a little more time to scrapbook! Scrapbooking is a huge passion of mine... I am still learning how and my love for scrapbooking comes from my sister Christie, she is amazing at it and I hope I can be as good as she is someday...She is such an inspiration and encouragement to me!
I am so happy to share with you all my pages, I hope you enjoy them!!!

Just a little note from Nikkie's big sister... Christie!

Hey, I am the one in the picture on the left! This is a picture of me, Nikkie, and our sister Nicole. I was logged into Nikkie's blog trying to help her set it up and decided to write a little something about her and to her.
She is such an inspiration and I want to encourage her to continue crafting and blessing everyone with the talent I believe God has given her and I know she can use it to bless others! She has the kindest spirit and is so devoted and hard working. Keep reading her blog, I'm sure it will be uplifting and of course if you are family and/or friends of hers, just to see how her and her great hubby are doing. (since they are so far away from us) Keep them in your prayers and when you can, be an encouragement to her and Dave! Love them and pray for them!
I love you baby sister!

First Blog yahhhhh!!!

I finally got a Blog so I can show my family and friends how we are doing!!!
Hope you enjoy!